Contact us if you are having issues ordering, using this store or if you need any help picking the right products for you.
(If you are already a customer/distributor, contact [email protected])
Pick a Coach to help you get started (FREE),
Your coach will give you food and supplement recommendations,
and can assist with other basic health questions.
Your Coach doesn't need to be in your area, we are virtual.
Fill out the questionnaire below and send it to a coach!
(please only email one coach at a time!)
Kathryn (Ontario Canada) - [email protected]
Aliya (Saudi Arabia) - [email protected]
Matthew (Alabama) - [email protected]
Tatjana (Oklahoma) - [email protected]
Brody (Ontario Canada) - [email protected]
Jenn (Ontario Canada) - [email protected]
Monique (Florida) - [email protected]
Dylan (Long Island, NY) - [email protected]
Denise (Arizona/California) - [email protected]
Cate (Missouri) - [email protected]
Tamra (California) - [email protected]
Dawna (Texas) - [email protected]
Lorenzo (Texas) - [email protected]
Elena (Michigan) - [email protected]
Moshtagh (Texas) - [email protected]
Holly (RN) (Texas) - [email protected]
Tony (California) - [email protected]
Age, height, weight, sex, country
All symptoms. All diagnoses.
Have they had any surgeries? Any organs/ glands removed?
Are they on any chemical drugs?
Do they take any supplements? Herbs?
Do they avoid any foods? Have any sensitivities? Allergies?
Do they have any skin, lung, or digestive issues?
Do they know their blood type?
Any sleep problems? Teeth grinding? Sweating?
Were they born C sectioned?
Are they pregnant/nursing/trying to conceive?
Do they drink anything carbonated?
Do they drink coffee or energy drinks?
Do they drink alcohol? How often? What kind?
Do they have any dental fillings or root canals?
What’s their favorite food?
Do you already have a Youngevity account, or purchase our products somewhere else?
(but strongly recommended) – Do the Barnes Basal Temperature Test,
and report the results back in 5 days.
*Optional* - show us a picture of their finger or toe nails, not polished.
Anything else we should know about?
That’s what we should know to guide you properly, it’s always based on the individual.
We do not treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Healing we believe, is what the body is designed to do when given the right tools. Consult with your trusted health care provider.